Thursday, August 13, 2015

St. Pontian and St. Hippolytus

Today's Saint:

-Hippolytus was a priest in Rome who was a great theologian
-He fighted against teaching of errors
-He became rival to pope because he didn't like some of their actions
-With his supporters, he became antipope(self declared or wrongly declared as pope)
-He went out of Catholic church
-Pontian became pope after some time
-Both pope and antipope were put in exile to same place
-Antipope got impressed by the life of pope and repented
-He was taken back to church by pope and later both became martyrs
St. Hippolytus was a priest and a scholar in the Church of Rome. He wrote many excellent works of theology and was a great teacher. Hippolytus, however, became frustrated with Pope St. Zephyrinus, who he felt had not been quick enough to stop people who were teaching errors. When St. Zephyrinus was martyred in the year 217, St. Callistus I was chosen as his successor. Hippolytus was not pleased with the choice of the new pope. Hippolytus himself had a large following, and he gave in to their suggestion that he be appointed pope. He broke ties with the Church and became an antipope, or false pope. St. Pontian was elected pope in the year 230. In 235, Maximinus became the emperor of Rome. Almost immediately, he began a persecution of the Christians. One of the common punishments of bishops and priests was to be sent into exile to the dangerous and unhealthy mines in Sardinia, Italy. Pope Pontian was one of those banished to the mines. And so was Hippolytus, the antipope. Pope Pontian and Hippolytus met in exile. Hippolytus was touched by the humility of the pope. He asked to return to the Church and felt the anger lifted from his heart. Pope Pontian understood the priest and loved him. He realized their need to help and encourage each other in their love for Jesus. Both became martyrs and remain for all time witnesses of forgiveness and Christian hope.
If we should ever become angry and frustrated about something, we have these two saints to help us. We can ask St. Pontian for his understanding heart and St. Hippolytus for his loving obedience.

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