Friday, September 18, 2015

St. Cornelius and St. Cyprian


Today's Saint:

-Cornelius was elected as pope in difficult times of church
-Under him, the church stayed strong during persecution
-He worked for unity and zeal of gospel life
-Cyprian was a bishop who supported Cornelius during his papacy
-He wrote many things about unity of church as a body and head as Jesus
-Both of saints faced martyrdom
-Cornelius died in exile and Cyprian by beheading
In the middle of the third century the Church was still being suppressed. The fierce persecution of Emperor Decius claimed the life of Pope St. Fabian. The Church was without a pope for nearly a year. A holy priest of Rome, Cornelius, was elected in 251. He accepted because he loved Christ. He would serve the Church as pope even if his ministry cost him his life. That is why Pope Cornelius was so greatly admired throughout the world. The bishops of Africa were especially outspoken in their love and loyalty to the pope. Bishop Cyprian of Carthage sent him letters of encouragement and support. Cyprian had been a convert at the age of twenty-five. He had astonished the Christians of Carthage by pledging a vow of perpetual chastity before his Baptism. He had eventually become a priest and, in 248, a bishop. Bishop Cyprian greatly encouraged and supported Pope Cornelius. St. Cyprian’s writings explain the love that Christians should have for the whole Church. This love should be for the pope as well as for the local diocese and parish. Cyprian wrote a scholarly work on the unity of the Church. This remains an important topic for all times, including our own. Pope St. Cornelius died in exile at the port of Rome in September of 253. Because he suffered so much as pope, he is considered a martyr. St. Cyprian died five years later during the persecution of Valerian. He was beheaded at Carthage on September 14, 258. Together they share a feast day to remind us of the unity that the Church should always enjoy. This unity is a sign of the presence of Jesus as Head of the Church.
We can ask St. Cornelius and St. Cyprian to help us grow in our love for the Church, for the pope, bishops, priests, religious, and lay people everywhere. They can help us to be true to our Christian faith even in difficult times.

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